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A Look at Our History: November 2013

November 19, 2013 | General News

During World War I, Central Synagogue had a festive holiday dinner in 1917 to honor Rabbi Isaac Moses. The menu was quite lavish for a war time meal, with a fish course, meat course, poultry course, and fancy ice cream for dessert, but still reflected the issues of the time. The inclusion of the dish “Potatoes Palestine” reflects the government’s campaign to limit wheat consumption and increase potato usage, and the “Roast Miles River Squab” is a fancier label for pigeon, a meat often associated with wartime shortages and poverty, most likely only served because so many meats were rationed. The invitation to the congregation stresses that it will be a simple, wholesome meal at the Hotel Astor costing $3.00 per person, which is the equivalent of $53.00 today.

With Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and other winter festivities on the way there are many opportunities to celebrate with your families and friends.Think of this timely menu as you plan your holiday dinners.

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist. To submit a photo or historical document to our Archives, email us.

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