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November 15, 2012 | Worship and High Holidays | Repairing the World

Parshat Toldot: The Jewish Food Stamp Challenge

Poor Esau. The twin brother of our patriarch Jacob is portrayed as such a buffoon. He’s the red-haired Neanderthal hunter--a foil to Jacob, the mild, bookish mama’s boy. And proof-positive of Esau’s stupidity is the story, found in this week’s portion, of how he is duped into selling his birthright to Jacob over a bowl of lentil stew.

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November 11, 2012 | General News | Repairing the World

Mitzvah Day 2012

Mitzvah Day Collage

From the Bronx to Far Rockaway, our congregants pooled their time and efforts to assist their fellow New Yorkers.

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November 6, 2012 | Repairing the World

Update on Hurricane Relief Effort

Our congregation’s response to the disaster has been extraordinary. So many of you have offered your help and sought opportunities to support our neighbors at this terrible time. Even those physically unable to assist, have shared thoughts, prayers and funds—all of which mean so much to our community.

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November 6, 2012 | General News

A Look at Our History: November 2012

For many years Central Synagogue has joined with our neighbor, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, for Thanksgiving services. In the mid 1970s, while St. Peter’s was replacing their 1905 Gothic style church building, they worshipped at Central Synagogue.

The new building for St. Peter’s Lutheran Church was integrated into the design of Citicorp Center and opened in 1977. While they were our guests at Central Synagogue, their bulletin board was displayed on Central’s building. This photo is of St. Peter’s last announcement on their board at Central Synagogue, in which they profess "We love you madly - Shalom."

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist

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November 4, 2012 | General News | Repairing the World

Knitting for Mitzvah Day

Why Knot Knit group shows off their creations
Our Why Knot Knit group shows off their creations
Our knitting group, Why Knot Knit, has made 193 items in time for this upcoming Mitzvah Day. That includes 45 knit bunnies, 33 adult hats, 12 infant hats, 26 lap blankets, 17 children's scarves, and 60 adult scarves. These items will be donated to New York Cares on Mitzvah Day as well as to those in New York City who are still without heat and in need of warm clothing and blankets. Kol HaKavod!

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