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For We Were Strangers in Egypt: An Update on the Situation Facing New Arrivals in New York with Andrew Heinrich

Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 7:00–8:15 pm

Virtual (Zoom)

Each year during the Passover Seder, our people’s story of enslavement and alienation calls us to remember and care for the stranger in our midst, those who have left their homeland and are in need of support. This year’s Passover takes place against the backdrop of a complicated situation facing new arrivals in New York City. Over 65,000 people are currently living in NYC shelters as they build a new life for themselves and their families. 

Join Rabbi Hilly Haber and Central volunteers who are working with asylum seekers and refugees to learn with Andrew Heinrich, Founder and Executive Director of Project Rousseau, an organization that assists families seeking asylum with their legal cases.