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Central Synagogue is a kehillah kedoshah—a holy community—offering a wide range of opportunities for involvement at all stages of life. From daily morning worship, to Jewish study programming and stimulating evening lectures, to social justice opportunities and so much more, there is a place for you in our community. Welcome.

We are privileged to be made up of committed, involved, and passionate membership, and the strength of our community relies on our members’ ongoing participation. Through membership to Central Synagogue, congregants demonstrate their commitment to our community, to the future of Reform Judaism, and to progressive Jewish values in the world.

Our Community

Central Synagogue is an inclusive and welcoming community. We encourage participation from all who seek a connection to Jewish life and want to be part of our sacred community regardless of religious background, race, ethnicity, gender, ability, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We are committed to being an open tent, a place that welcomes all people, including those who have been historically and institutionally marginalized or excluded from the Jewish community. Learn more about our vision at our About Us page.

Join Central Synagogue

We're grateful that demand for membership at Central Synagogue has remained so strong. It's our genuine wish that we were in a position to welcome all who want to join Central without any wait. We're trying to balance that desire with constraints on expanding, including High Holy Days seating capacity and ensuring our clergy can shepherd our congregation's many life cycle events and daily needs.

We're currently looking at how we can best meet the demand for membership, and we'll share an update in the spring on the timeline for the wait. Meanwhile, our doors remain open to you for our Shabbat services and our full scope of programs, and we encourage and welcome you to join us as much as possible. We invite you to explore our calendar to see what's available. Interested in receiving emails from Central Synagogue? Let us know at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

You may instead be interested in joining the Neighborhood, an online community for those wishing to engage in meaningful conversations and Jewish learning online.

Benefits of Membership

The goal of the Central Synagogue community is to facilitate the creation of relationships with each other, with our Clergy, and with Judaism. Members opportunities include:

High Holy Days

  • Membership dues include tickets for your household (one or two adults and children under 26) to attend our High Holiday member services at David Geffen Hall.
  • Purchase up to two guest tickets per household for family or friends to attend services with you.
  • Attend High Holiday services at other synagogues in the United States or abroad via reciprocity.

Pastoral Care & Life Cycles

Raising Jewish Children

Programs, Trips, and Events

  • Receive our members-only communications such as our Central Weekly email newsletter and notes from our Clergy.
  • Travel with us on trips to Israel and other Jewish communities around the world.
  • Attend members-only events such as our Congregational Seder and Sukkot on the Farm.
  • Join one of our many small groups with members who share your interests, passions, and life experiences, such as our member-led CORE groups, 20s and 30s, CenSyngles for those 50 years and up, Chai Connections for those 70 years and up, or our LGBTQ or Jews of Color groups.

Annual Membership Dues 2024–25

Central Synagogue believes that finances should never be a barrier to being part of our community. If you’re unable to meet your membership or tuition obligations in full, please contact our membership department at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

One-Adult Membership             $1,850
Two-Adult Membership$3,750
One-Parent Family Membership$2,300
Two-Parent Family Membership$4,600
Under-35 Membership50% off above rates
Under-30 One-Adult Membership$360
Under-30 Two-Adult Membership$720


Family membership includes High Holy Days tickets for all children ages 3–26 and eligibility for LCLJ and May Family Nursery School enrollment. Tuition to our LCLJ Religious School can be found here.

Central Synagogue does not currently offer a membership category for our livestreaming community. Instead, we would invite you to learn more about the Neighborhood, an online community for friends of our congregation.

Our People

Rachael Harvey

Assistant Director of Membership

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

(212) 838-5122 x2006

Alexandra Oppenheim

Membership Manager

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(212) 838-5122 x3007